Newbury Astronomical Society

Interested in astronomy and looking for meetings and events in the Newbury area?



The June edition of Pegasus, NAS's monthly newsletter, is available at the link below, alongside back issues of What's Up, whose next edition will be out in September

Forthcoming Meetings

For our first speaker meeting of the 2024-2025 season, we are delighted to welcome Dr Chris Pattison of the University of Portsmouth, who will be talking about The Next Generation of Space Telescopes: Revealing the Universe in New Ways.

After the break with the all-important doughnuts, we willl have our usual second half talks from members. We are always looking for new faces to present in this slot - remember it's a short talk for no more than 15 minutes or so, and can be on any relevant subject of interest from latest observations to a place you've visited or a book you've read or observing hints and tips. If you might have something of interest, let the Communications Lead know on and we can see if it might work!

The speaker meeting will be at the usual location of The Fair Close Centre, Newtown Road, Newbury: RG14 7BH. (click here for a map and further details of the session's meetings).

If you wish to be a member of the society for this season and haven't completed your membership form yet, please complete a copy and bring it with you to the meeting.

We also offer an ICS Calendar file of all the meetings (main & beginners) of the session to add to your phone or email client:

Recent meetings:

For slides and other details from recent meetings, head to the Meeting Presentations page. Latest additions are details from Dr Tim Haymes about forthcoming occultations including one scheduled to pass over western Newbury, and the slide deck from Stephen Mullaly's recent second-half talk on Radio Astronomy.


NAS trip to the Herschel Museum, Bath

Val Russell is kindly organising a society trip to the Herschel Museum of Astronomy in Bath, scheduled for Saturday 22nd June (please note revised date from the original May proposed).  Members will make their own way to Bath, rendezvousing at the Museum at 11am. Friends and family of members are welcome too! Those who have already been to the Museum confirm it's a great place to visit, so if members are interested, please get in touch with the Communications Lead for more details at  

Call to Arms! Thatcham Family Fun Day, Sunday 30th June

The week commencing 24th June will be a busy one for NAS, with members helping out at the RAL Open Week on the 25th, 26th and 29th. Hard on the heels of that event, on the 30th June the society will also be present at the Thatcham Family Fun Day at Henwick Worthy Sports Ground. Although great fun, this is always a really busy event with up to 30,000 people expected to be there, so this is a call for volunteers to come forward and help staff the society stand. Enthusiasm is more important than experience, so even if you've not helped at an event before, please do let Steve Harris know at and be assured that many hands will make light work!

Image of 16" taken from the HAG website

Telescope for Sale

Telescopes for Sale are not an unusual phenomenon and as such, we would not usually give it prominence on the front page of the NAS website, but this is not a usual telescope. The Hampshire Astronomical Group (HAG) are replacing a 16" (40cm aperture) Newtonian at their well-known Clanfield Observatory with a new 16" OTA, mount and dome. They have removed the older telescope and mount and are preparing the new dome for the receipt of the new mount having already obtained the OTA. The current 16" has been a workhouse of the Group's activities and has been in constant use since it's installation in 1993, particularly with the detection and observation of Near Earth Objects (NEO's). 

HAG are keen for this well-loved and well-used workhorse to be sold to a group who could continue to enjoy its astronomical capabilities. Please note, this is a serious telescope for serious bidders only, but if you are interested or know a group who may be up to the challenge of taking it on, please contact the Communications Lead at and we'll put you in touch with HAG.

BAA Autumn Meeting 2024 

NewburyAstro along with RAL Space are thrilled to be hosting the British Astronomical Association's Autumn Meeting this year at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory at Harwell in South Oxfordshire. These events are always enjoyable and high informative, but can fill up quickly so it's good to book early; the booking site is now open at the following link:

The cost includes attendance to hear all talks as well as light refreshments (lunch can be purchased separately in the RAL restaurant) - current NAS members who are not also BAA members will be able to take advantage of a discount, details of which will have been communicated to them separately.